Jin no Sadame (陣定)

The Jin no Sadame was a type of privy council in use by regency governments during the Heian period. The council, which was limited to those of Kugyo status (the highest echelon of the court nobility), was established at the camp of the Left and Right Divisions of the Inner Palace Guard, and was open only to those Kugyo (noble) of Daijin (Grand Minister) status or lower and Sangi (Councilors) who held at least the court rank of Shii (Fourth Rank); at council sessions members would debate government affairs and policies.

The council was convened at the camp of the Inner Palace Guard (most often in the area of the Left Division of the Guard), so the council sessions came to be called "Jinnoza" ("meetings at the camp") or "Joza" ("stave meetings").

Originally these meetings were informal in nature, and although decisions were made in accordance with the tosai-gogisei (a system under which the role of members was merely to advise the single individual vested with final decision-making power), the Jin no Sadame gradually became a de facto institution for government policy-making. The Jin no Sadame made use of Kurodo (Chamberlains) to transmit its decisions to the Emperor and his Sessho (Regent) or Kanpaku (Chief Adviser).

[Original Japanese]